Oxygen Care Knowledge

Fixed vs. Adjustable Flow Oxygen Concentrators

Fixed vs. Adjustable Flow Oxygen Concentrators

16 Jan, 2024

Oxygen concentrators play a crucial role in providing respiratory support to individuals with breathing difficulties. When exploring the world of oxygen concentrators, one encounters the terms "fixed" and "adjustable flow." Understanding the difference between these two types is essential for choosing the right device that caters to individual medical needs.


Fixed Oxygen Concentrators


Fixed oxygen concentrators, also known as constant flow concentrators, deliver a continuous and unchanging flow of oxygen to the user. The flow rate is set at a specific level, and it remains constant regardless of the user's breathing pattern. These devices are typically simpler in design and operation, making them user-friendly for those who require a consistent oxygen flow without the need for adjustments.


They offer the following pros:


Simplicity: Fixed concentrators are easy to operate, with minimal settings to manage.

Reliability: The constant flow ensures a steady supply of oxygen, suitable for users with stable respiratory requirements.

Cost-Effective: Fixed concentrators are often more budget-friendly compared to their adjustable counterparts.




Lack of Flexibility: Users with varying oxygen needs may find fixed concentrators limiting, as the flow rate cannot be adjusted.

Energy Consumption: Constantly producing oxygen at a fixed rate may result in higher energy consumption.


oxygen concentrator manufacturer in China


Adjustable Flow Oxygen Concentrators


On the other hand, adjustable-flow oxygen concentrators provide users with the flexibility to customize the flow rate based on their changing respiratory demands. These devices allow healthcare professionals to prescribe a specific flow rate tailored to the individual's needs, offering a more personalized approach to oxygen therapy.


They offer the following pros:


Customization: Adjustable flow concentrators cater to a broader range of users by allowing personalized oxygen delivery.

Adaptable to Changing Needs: Suitable for individuals with varying oxygen requirements, such as during physical activity or while at rest.

Efficient Resource Utilization: Adjustable flow concentrators optimize oxygen delivery, potentially reducing energy consumption during periods of lower demand.




Complexity: The additional settings and customization options may make adjustable flow concentrators more complex for some users.

Higher Cost: Typically, devices with adjustable flow settings may come with a higher price tag compared to fixed concentrators.




Choosing between a fixed and adjustable flow oxygen concentrator depends on individual medical requirements and lifestyle. While fixed concentrators are straightforward and cost-effective, adjustable flow devices offer a more versatile solution for users with changing oxygen needs. Consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial to determine the most suitable option, ensuring optimal respiratory support and improved quality of life.


Keyhub is a technology and thought leader in the oxygen solutions industry, specializing in the research, development, production, and marketing of oxygen concentrators, including Medical/homecare oxygen concentrators, oxygen concentrator for beauty, china portable electric oxygen concentrators, veterinary oxygen concentrators, and more.

Keyhub has an experienced team, we can meet the oxygen concentrator needs of different types of customers, including OEM and ODM services or any other customized requirements. We will strictly carry out 100% inspection to ensure that the oxygen concentrator meets the standard. Explore our selection of oxygen concentrators today and take the first step towards improving your quality of life.

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